

Tell me about the weather this morning. Only -2 C degrees, which feels really really warm after two weeks -20 C. But why it need to snow horizontally, big wet snow flakes when I'm walking to the metro to get to work. So nice feeling, make up on the cheeks etc. OK, I stop complaining cause it was really nice weather when walked back home later.

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I just really hope it would not get any warmer before the real Spring. I don't like when there is snow on the ground and + degrees cause then everything is so wet. Best would be snow and -5 - -10 C degrees.

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I love snow during the dark winter time, it brings light and happiness. Like these tulips in the pictures. And what's in common between these two? You can put them in the same vase. I googled what kind of water tulips like to keep them alive as long as possible. So I read from one forum (Kaksplus) that tulips like really cold water. It's good to put even ice cubes in the water or just use snow. 

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1. Buy some nice bucket of tulips with your favorite color.
2. Take a nice vase, big enough
3. Take fresh snow from back yard or from balcony like I did and put it in the vase. There should be 2-3 cm of water in the vase when snow has melted
4. Cut little pieces from stems of tulips
5. Put tulips in the vase
7. Repeat 3.-6. every other day to keep tulips fresh

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I just looove tulips! And have to say that after one day my tulips look so good! They are like heading to the stars. They look really sharp, not lazy at all. I will give the new snow tomorrow. And thanks today's snow storm, I know where I can find it.

xo Viivi

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